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14th Feburary 2024 - Hello again

Hi. It's been almost a year since I've last posted a blog on this site. Despite this, I have still been working on the overall site architecture, working on my about me and the like in the background. The main motivator for this post is the fact that (as of a few days ago) "MosesSHTAR's Site" has reached 10,000 visits. That's awesome thank you everyone. Not a lot has happened between now and my last post within my life. My mental health has stayed awful and I've just been trying to get my Geology degree done. I find it so hard to get anything done, even if I enjoy it. Not all awful though. I've completed a month-long mapping project in the North Highlands of Scotland for my dissertation. It was so grueling and one of the hardest things I've ever done, but the geology was worth it (maybe). Once my dissertation is finished, I'll upload parts of it to a geology blog post. There's plenty more to say, but it'll have to wait as I'm writing this in the middle of a Uni practical and so I'd better crack on with my work. Speak to you all later buh bai.

20th April 2024 - 4/20

Happy 420 everyone. I celebrated today in Castle Park, Bristol with my housemates and a some friends. The weather was incredible! So warm.

Apparently, 700+ people attended last year and I can only guess that even more went in 2024. There were a bunch of DJs set up, and although I didn't mingle, the music was SO good. It was also pretty much the most packed I've ever seen Bristol, as EVERYONE came out - for 420 or just to enjoy the weather. Good day.

1st April 2024 - Easter

Well, happy Easter (a day late) . On the topic of Christ, there's always been something about Catholic imagery and iconography that I find very aestheticly pleasing. My whole family are the the same. We have Christian paraphernalia all over our house, even though none of us are religious at all. So for example, I have a metal shrine about 60cm odd tall, with a Jesus statue in it as you enter my house at Uni. Why? Idk, it looks cool.

At the moment, I'm trying my best to read "A History of the Bible" by John Barton. Despite having said book for over a year now, I'm only on page 58!! I guess I just suffer from a Gen Z attention span so can't focus on anything that isn't like keys jangling in front of my face. At the same time as trying to read "A History of the Bible", I'm also trying to read uh.. "The Bible". It's really fkn hard lol because a lot of it just doesn't make sense. Take for example Exodus 24 in which multiple conflicting events are held to be true (though I'm sure some folks have done their best to make sense of it). Moses goes up the mountain alone to chat with Yahweh, and no one else is allowed to be near God - but at the same time, Moses and a bunch of elders go on to later have a meal with God? Like it's no big deal??? Imagine having cheese and wine with the literal manifestation of God.

Well anyway, here's some Christian (mostly Catholic) artwork/imagery that I quite enjoy:

29th March 2024 - Hey NeoCities:

As I'm sure a lot of you will agree, social media hasn't turned out to be the amazing positive influence on people's lives as maybe we imagined it to be. Having the best possible versions of other people constantly shown to oneself is recipe for low self-esteem and self-image issues, and the like. Thank the Gods then that Web 1.0 wasn't as dead as I imagined it to be lol. As of writing, this website is around 3 days old. I'm definately happy and surpised with the progress I've made (this is my first time learning HTML). That said, I have quite big ambitions as Im aware the site could still use some visual improvements. Can't be too harsh on myself though, as again this is only a few days in the making. Here's a snapshot of what the homepage looks like at this point:

Has it even changed much? Who knows. I tend to abandon projects pretty easily, even if I feel passionate about them. It sucks but oh well.

I think that's probably enough for my first entry, thanks for reading.