My imood:

The current mood of MosesSHTAR at

My buttons


-:- Welcome -:-

What's new?

Thank you for 3000+ views on my page!

Welcome to my page. You might a friend, here from my old socials or maybe you're just randomly surfing Web 1.0. Whatever you're here for, hello! I hope you like this site. I'm pretty new to web design all things considered, so apologies if my page looks a little rusty.

Whilst i have made efforts to accomodate: this site is NOT meant to be viewed on a portrait mobile device, some stuff may look odd. If you're browsing on Samsung Internet, your dark-mode can fuck up some images (nothing I can do to fix that unfortunately).

Also, if you have a 88x31px button you'd like me to feature on this site, just drop me a follow and I'd be more than happy to feature it. Don't have one? I can even make one for you.