I have tried my best to keep track of the tools and images/artwork that I've used that aren't my own, so as to properly credit and thank them.
To my knowledge, this page correctly credits all tools/images/art that I've used that is not my own, and that is not otherwise not stated elsewhere on the website.
CSS Container Queries - to check the browser support of container code.
CSS Gradient - creation of gradients for CSS.
123guestbook - guestbook hosting service.
imood - the imood widget.
Featured buttons link to their relevant creator's webpages.
Googol - for their white neocities logo png.
The smilies on this webspace have been scavenged from various public collections. The two greatest sources have been Picsgifs and The Student Room.
Cool Text for the flame font, along with Edmund Charles McMillen for the sprites used in the "Certified Isaac Hater" button gif.
The awesome dancing rainbow stick figure on my homepage belongs to their orignal creator, not me. I am currently unware of who the orignal artist is, but I'm currently trying to find out.